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Will Artificial Intelligence Help Or Hurt Customer Interaction?

Artificial intelligence can write poetry . Police forces are utilizing it to help  forecast where crime may occur.  Doctors can use it to help  determine if a patient is going to have a stroke or a heart attack.  And  autonomous vehicles  are getting closer to solidifying themselves as an everyday reality on many main streets across the world. But as the advancements in AI continue to grow, it seems that people’s skepticism of their abilities and advantages do, too. Though the public consciousness does seem to be quite skeptical of AI, a staggering  66% of high-level IT decision makers view the willful neglect to adopt more AI into business models will result in customer loss and a lack of competitiveness. But in a world that has been saturated with doomsday AI films like Terminator and I, Robot, is it all that surprising that so many lay people find themselves skeptical of AI? The questions become whether or not these concerns, both of the integration of AI into modern society

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